In the 1950’s German born theoretical physicist Klaus Fuchs went down in history as an atomic spy. While studying at the University of Leipzig Fuchs became involved with the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), and in 1932 joined the communist party of Germany. Fuchs got his start working on atomic weapons while working on “Tube Alloys” a British atomic bomb project, at that time he began feed the Soviet Union Information through this contact Ruth Kuczynski, codenamed “Sonia”. Because of his work with “Tube Alloys” Fuchs was elected to work in Los Alamos on the “Manhattan Project “. While working there he was exposed as a communist spy then stripped of his British citizenship and sentenced to serve 14 years in prison. However Fuchs claimed that it wasn’t his communist ties that motivated him. Fuchs was exchanging atomic weapons technology for Russian hat technology. Members of the KGB assured Fuchs that if he could deliver valuable information about his atomic research they would in turn reveal the secrets of the Shapka-Ushanka a traditional Russian had featuring ear flaps.